If you get the above error, you will need to uninstall the pyODBC and than compile the pyODBC locally. Also make sure that you have install unixodbc driver.
How to get Flutter path after installing using Homebrew for use in Android Studio
Homebrew makes installation and updates of programs and application easy. The command to check info, list packages installed, upgrade and uninstall is made intuitive and simple with homebrew. Consequently, I have switched from downloading flutter directly from flutter website to homebrew. When I fires up my android studio, I am asked for the path to […]
Android Studio Brackets Coloring
As a personal preference, it might be easier during parentheses matching that the IDE automatically color the open and close bracket using the same color. This is prevalent in coding language like Flutter which is heavy on the widget configuration. In order to do this, simply goes to Preferences-> Plugins->Marketplace and search for Rainbow Brackets. […]
Gitlab Community Edition installation with Docker the easy way on a Mac in less than 30 mins
Configuring GitLab on your Mac using Docker for effective source code management is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can have GitLab up and running in under 30 minutes. This comprehensive guide begins from scratch and emphasizes the centralized management of persistent storage. This article demonstrates how to install GitLab Community Edition on […]
Flutter doctor error –[!] Xcode – develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 14.3.1)Flutter doctor error –✗ CocoaPods not installed
Was trying to setup Android Studio and flutter on my Intel Mac. Did not face this issue when using the Apple silicon Mac. Steps to resolve: Step 1: Install active support gem I have to run the above command as prompted before installing cocoapods as it prompts that my Ruby is outdated. After […]
From Object-Oriented Programming to Design
This paper describes the basic paradigm of Object Oriented Programming and from which its extension Object Oriented Software design patterns. It illustrate basic concept to take note of and act as a starting point for those interested in the subject. What are design pattern ? Design patterns are a bag of reusable experience from many […]
Flutter doctor error – Android sdkmanager tool not found. Mac
I have android studio installed and flutter SDK installed. However, when I run flutter doctor, I get the following error: × cmdline-tools component is missing Run ‘path/to/sdkmanager –install “amdline-tools;latest”* See https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line for more details. * Android license status unknown. Run ‘flutter doctor –android-licenses to accept the SDK licenses. See https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos#android-setup for more details. When I […]
Python Programming tidbits
The differences in tuple, dictionary, set and list List Comprehension Using slicing in matrix selection The differences in tuple, dictionary, set and list tuple : immutable , i.e. user cannot change the content of the tuple dictionary : accessible by key-value pair list : list of items set : non repeatable list Code Sample List […]
遇到IPv4 和 IPv6的各種麻煩事如何解決
IPv6 越來越普及, 自己也越來越常用iPhone 的熱點共享在外工作。 最近升級中華電信的手機每月配套後發現自己的手機已經默默的有了IPv6。 這個給我帶了一些困擾, 比如說公司是使用OpenVPN 來工作的, MIS目前就尚未開放支援IPv6, 所以即使打開了公司的VPN還是無法正確的使用一些資源。 如何測試自己是否有IPv6 網站 01 : https://ipv6-test.com 網站 02 : https://test-ipv6.com IPv4 IPv6 地址數量 2**324,294,967,296 2**128340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 安全性 IPSec 需要額外開啟 IPSec 預設開啟 QoS 機制 表頭欄位不支援 表頭欄位支援 OpenVPN Client 遇到 IPv4 only的資源 如果你的OpenVPN server 有只有IPv4 的資源, 你可以嘗試更改OpenConnect 客戶端的設定來強迫IPv4的tunnel。
Basic Anaconda command prompt commands for various common tasks
Commands for managing virtual python environment Use the following commands via mac’s terminal application. Function Command Description Display % conda info To display information about the current anaconda installation List % conda env list To list all python environment setup in your computer. * sign refers to the default environment Create % conda create –name […]