What happened to the original terminal after you have installed iTerm2 with Powerlevel10K?

What happened to the original terminal after you have installed iTerm2 with Powerlevel10K?

To prettify the terminal, we replaces the Mac builtin terminal with iTerm2 and Powerlevel10K. However, right after installation you might realized that your original terminal is broken like the following:

The reason for the above is that we have the wrong font settings for the original terminal app. You see from the image that I am using Monaco 11 as font. We will need to have the same font used by the Powerlevel10K.

The powerlevel10K recommend the usage of the following font. The fonts can the downloaded manually from the links below.

As I have completed powerlevel10K installation previously, MesloLGS NF is already installed in my system. Simply changing the font from Monaco 11 and use MesloLGS NF will resolve the issue.

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