Category: Technology

Technology Tools

What happened to the original terminal after you have installed iTerm2 with Powerlevel10K?

To prettify the terminal, we replaces the Mac builtin terminal with iTerm2 and Powerlevel10K. However, right after installation you might realized that your original terminal is broken like the following: The reason for the above is that we have the wrong font settings for the original terminal app. You see from the image that I […]

Technology Tools

How to have nice and colorful Mac Terminal ~ Steps to configure iTerms2 and OMZ

Step 1 : Install iTerms2 Assuming that you already have homebrew installed. Run the following command: If you do not have homebrew, Download iTerms2 here. iTerms is a lot more colorful than the default terminal, with this download your terminal will looks much more alive. Step 2: Install Oh My Zsh Go to Oh My […]


Mystery resolved: Hugo sitemap.xml rendering localhost instead of domain name

Started playing around with Hugo over the weekend. It is really a super fast and well implemented rendering engine. When I deploy the website to the production environment and submit the sitemap to Google Search console, I get the following error: After checking the various locations, I realized that I will have to be very […]

python Technology Tools

Best way to export everything from Notion to Apple Notes?

I have been using notions for over a year. I have only been using the basic functions of notions. With recent updates from Apple Notes, I am experimenting the possibilities of replacing notion with Apple Notes. I am having trouble exporting everything that I have from notion to Apple note. I exported my notes in […]

Technology Tools

Solution : video and audio out of sync when exporting as mp4 – powerpoint 2016 Mac

I was given a powerpoint slides with movie recorded in it, when I tried to export it on a Mac into the mp4 format, for my first slides the video and audio is out of sync for the first slide. It becomes ok when we jumped onto the second slide onward. I have tried numerous […]

Flutter Mobile App Tools

How to get Flutter path after installing using Homebrew for use in Android Studio

Homebrew makes installation and updates of programs and application easy. The command to check info, list packages installed, upgrade and uninstall is made intuitive and simple with homebrew. Consequently, I have switched from downloading flutter directly from flutter website to homebrew. When I fires up my android studio, I am asked for the path to […]

Flutter Technology Tools

Android Studio Brackets Coloring

As a personal preference, it might be easier during parentheses matching that the IDE automatically color the open and close bracket using the same color. This is prevalent in coding language like Flutter which is heavy on the widget configuration. In order to do this, simply goes to Preferences-> Plugins->Marketplace and search for Rainbow Brackets. […]

docker Git Technology

Gitlab Community Edition installation with Docker the easy way on a Mac in less than 30 mins

Configuring GitLab on your Mac using Docker for effective source code management is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can have GitLab up and running in under 30 minutes. This comprehensive guide begins from scratch and emphasizes the centralized management of persistent storage. This article demonstrates how to install GitLab Community Edition on […]

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