Mystery resolved: Hugo sitemap.xml rendering localhost instead of domain name

hugo template

Mystery resolved: Hugo sitemap.xml rendering localhost instead of domain name

Started playing around with Hugo over the weekend. It is really a super fast and well implemented rendering engine. When I deploy the website to the production environment and submit the sitemap to Google Search console, I get the following error:

After checking the various locations, I realized that I will have to be very careful before I deploy the project to the production environment.

The culprit:

If you are used to developing the website using the command :

 Hugo server

it will always generate the following sitemap.xml and overrides that in the public folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<urlset xmlns=""


As part of the CICD or your own deployment process, always run the Hugo command to rebuild for production purpose.

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