WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits WSET Online Self Test Questions Flashcard : Tequila

WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits WSET Online Self Test Questions Flashcard : Tequila

What is the aroma of blue agave plant?

Herbaceous, vegetal, olive, earthy and peppery

Before fermentation can start, how is the blue agave being processed?

Obtain the core, cook it in oven , crushed it and than mixed with water

Can producer add sugar to tequila before fermentation ?

Yes, provided 51% of the sugar is from blue agave plant

Tequila like Cognac is double pot distilled.

False, Tequila can use both column and pot still for distillation

What does 100% agave means on the tequila label?

When we do not add sugar and only use blue agave

Joven Oro or Gold gets their color from oak aging?

No, from caramel

What tequila is rested for 2-12 months?


What tequila is rested for at least 12 months?


Is Blanco or Silver aged in oak?

No, they are stored in stainless steel barrels for up to 2 months

List the % of agave in Tequila and Tequila 100%

51% vs 100%

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